
Feeling isolated

Definitely feel that..

So far from ANYONE.. and would just LOVE to find someone local to just go eat with, or talk with, or find a friend who would be quite happy with just encouraging me to get much bigger!

Oh well.. sucks that I live in the middle of nowhere (literally!)
11 years

Feeling isolated

Yea, the world at large doesn't like feederism very much. And it just seems that we're so far flung, very few places have enough concentration to form an actual real life community.

So yes, I've often felt isolated here. Especially since there are so few active profiles in southern Virginia.
11 years

Feeling isolated

There are a few. There are enough of us in the DC area to have meets there occasionally. And around NYC I think. Just very few others that I can think of.
11 years

Feeling isolated

^^^ Many kudos and respect for the Star Wars reference there man.


Now back to the subject, I agree. Loneliness is something that needs to be experienced.

It can be crushing at times but it's necessary. Though it can also be dangerous. When I was about 19-20 I had just started at ODU, where my social awkwardness and inability to make friends easily meant I spent the next two years alone with no one to talk to but people here and family when they called.

I think that's what helped me realize I needed to start being more active in pursuing the things I wanted. Because after two years of loneliness and borderline depression I finally decided that I needed to find a group of friends. And so my last year at ODU was the best, because I had friends who I saw every day.

More of a general story of isolation, but I think it's suitable. Perhaps I just need to be more proactive in finding others who are into the heftier side of humanity.
11 years